Wednesday, August 22, 2012

shaving cream art

I had seen all kinds of blog posts about how amazing shaving cream is. Here's just one example (though it does have a ton of ideas!). Joshua had even done some art with it at his school. I decided we should try it at home.

I read that adding glue to the shaving cream makes for a better consistency and it doesn't crack as much when it dries.  So we added some glue. I used neon food coloring and a muffin tin for mixing. We started thinking we would fingerpaint but that was super messy so we decided to use brushes. Joshua really enjoyed it and painted a whole bunch of pictures. (The horse and the flowers in the photos are my beautiful creations.)


The next few posts will be old news; if you're my facebook friend, you've already seen the photos, but I thought I might as well document here too.

We made gak.

Gak is liquid starch and school glue.

The CVS near me didn't have liquid starch; all they had was spray starch, which I guess is liquid if you spray enough of it. We made due with the spray.  It might have turned out better with the real liquid stuff. I hate my CVS.

Anyway, we put some glue in a container and then sprayed it with some starch and stirred. Joshua decided he wanted it to be red, but we got pink instead.  Red never comes out as red. We continued to spray the glue and stir it up till it all stuck together at which point Joshua began his play.

It was actually pretty cool, though it didn't stick together the way I've seen some gaks. Maybe that's the difference between spray and liquid, who knows.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4th of July

So, this post is waaaaay overdue. But I thought, better late than never,  I guess.

So, for the 4th of July, we did some painting including making a flag of large craft sticks and cookie cutter star stamping.

We had friends over and did some safe and sane fireworks in the backyard, even though it was still light out.

And that's about it. A successful holiday!