Saturday, February 11, 2012


Blogging - I'm not good at it. I don't make it a priority. I'm not sure how other moms do it. When I'm not playing with Joshua or nursing the baby, I'm either napping, cleaning my house, doing my continuing ed to renew my real estate license (due on the 23rd of this month - there's nothing like waiting till the last minute!), or watching mad men. Yes, watching mad men makes the list above the blog.

It's not that I don't think about it.  I just need some voice recognition software so I can speak my blog while I'm showering, since that's the time I have to myself to think about this thing.

Since my last post evan has become a 6 week old baby instead of a newborn. He has really come into the world and, while he still zones out, you can also tell he really sees you.  He is aware of his tongue and makes the funniest faces moving that tongue around.  For a couple weeks, he's been sleeping in his chair instead of his bed.  It seemed that he was having a tough time with reflux and when he was flat in his bed he would scream and grunt and cry. I tried holding him upright for 15 minutes after he ate, but that got really tiresome at 4am. So, we put him in his chair where he'd be more upright but I could lay down.  Last night, I put him back in his bed and he seemed fine.  Just another sign that he's growing up.
He's a pretty good sleeper so far. I mean, he wakes up every couple hours to eat, but for the most part, he goes right back to sleep.  He does have his fussy times, which right now seem to be from 10-11 am and from 9-11 or midnight. And the longest he's slept has been four hours - midnight to 4am - one night. I think I'm averaging around 6 hours each night. I try to nap each afternoon for about an hour, making a total of about 7 hours in a 24 hour period.  So, not too bad.  Yes, it's all broken up, but I'll take it.  Especially considering I got probably half that for the first 3 months of Joshua's life.

Joshua really loves his baby brother. When it's just me at bedtime, I often have Evan in my arms when it's time to tuck Joshua in, meaning I have to put Evan down. I put him down next to Joshua in his bed and Joshua loves that. He hugs and kisses and snuggles him. And is all smiles.

Speaking of Joshua, he's turned into a bean pole. Is that the saying? He's tall and skinny.  You wouldn't think that considering one of his favorite things to eat is bacon dipped in butter (yeah, I know!). But he is one long and thin kid. He's so smart too. He loves doing "projects" and is still so good at puzzles and shapes.  He can write several letters including J (though that one is often backwards), X, P, T, A, and H. He's good at math too. He seems to be able to do simple addition in his head.  Like he knows that 2and 2 make 4 and that 3 and 3 make 6.  And he doesn't have to count them out on his fingers or aloud or anything. I don't know, but that seems pretty advanced for a 3 year old.  Well, 3 and a half on Monday. He's just so grown up now.  It's hard to believe.

So, anyway, I'd like to say I'm going to be better about blogging but I probably won't. You'll just have to take it as it comes and love me anyway. :)


  1. In addition to needing more frequent posts, your blog needs more pictures. There isn't a single one of Evan on here!
