Saturday, February 25, 2012


Joshua doesn't pronounce the fricatives v or f when they're not word initial; he uses the stops that correspond in voicing (b and p, respectively). To the non linguist, that means he says "moobie" instead of "movie", "goopy" instead of "goofy", "copy" instead of "coffee", and "Eban" instead of "Evan". This has led me to call Evan "Eban" and "Eb" and "Eby". And "Ebeneizer". As in Ebeneizer Scrooge. Usually only when he's crying. I've even just called him "Scrooge" a couple times. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately, depending on how you feel about ducks and/or disney), it conjures the image of Scrooge McDuck in my mind, not some miserly Dickens character. This is bad, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Hehe! I think that's funny! I also think that a lot of nicknames sound odd out of context, even when they're really precious to the people involved. But, like you, "Scrooge" initially conjures an image of Scrooge McDuck, so it doesn't seem nearly as terrible a term of endearment as maybe it would otherwise. :)
